Affymetrix Microarray Service
A fully integrated platform for Affymetrix microarrays
Affymetrix Microarray Service
A fully integrated platform for Affymetrix microarrays
The Genomics Core Facility processes RNA and DNA for hybridization to Affymetrix arrays such as 3' IVT arrays, Gene ST arrays and tiling arrays to investigate global gene expression as well as the transcriptional profiling in a wide range of organisms. Depending on the array type the amount of required input nucleic supplied by the interested experimentator varies from less than 50 ng to several ug. Each nucleic acid sample will be analyzed for its quality and quantity, amplified, fragmented, and terminally labeled before being hybridized to an array, following a standardized protocol. Bound nucleic acids will be visualized by fluorescent dye conjugated antibody detection of biotinylated nucleic acid using a powerful high resolution scanner. The end user will be provided with "Cel" files containing all experimental data required for end user bioinformatics analysis.
If desired, the Core Facility can also provide data analysis for expression arrays using Partek's Genomics Suite software. Please contact the facility to discuss any planned microarray projects.
The Affymetrix GeneChip system consists of a gene or probe array, hybridization oven, fluidics station, scanner, and a computer workstation.
Use of the Affymetrix equipment is limited to the Genomics and Proteomics Laboratory Manager.

Affymetrix Website
This is a full service instrument. Please coordinate with the facility manager about sample drop off.
For more information or to request service, please contact the director of the Genomics Core, Christoph Schorl (, 401-863-2875).