Zeiss Lumar V12 Fluorescence Stereomicroscope
Zeiss Lumar V12 Fluorescence Stereomicroscope
Sidney Frank Hall, Room 113
The Zeiss Lumar V12 Fluorescence Stereomicroscope is capable of imaging transmitted light, reflected light, and fluorescence of larger samples (field of view is 1.4 x 1.1 cm). The microscope has a motorized focus and zoom, with foot pedals for hands-free operation. The motorized filter turret allows one to collect brightfield and multiple colors of fluorescence in timelapse mode. The microscope is equipped with filters for imaging DAPI, FITC / GFP, and RHOD and has a high NA objective (ApoLumar S 1.2x) and sensitive monochrome camera (AxioCam MRm), which makes this system suitable for imaging low levels of fluorescence.
Lumar Filters
DAPI (485049): excitation 365 nm, emission 445/50 nm*
GFP (486038): excitation 470/40 nm, emission 525/50 nm
Rhod (486043): excitation 550/25 nm, emission 605/70 nm
* 000/00: the first number is the midpoint of the band pass filter, the second number is the bandwidth of the filter. E.g. Rhod 605/70 collects emitted light from 570 - 640 nm.
Microscopes in the Bioimaging Facility can be reserved using iLab calendars. All facility users are invited to use the system, which requires a one-time registration.
1. Go to our facility's iLab site: ILABS
2. In the upper-right-hand corner of the screen click ‘Sign In,’ and select to sign in using Brown University credentials
3. You will be directed to an authentication page where you will enter your Brown University credentials
4. Once you have entered your credentials, click the ‘Login’ button
5. You will be directed to an iLab Registration page where you will select your PI/Lab and verify your contact information.
6. Once your registration has been submitted, your PI will receive a notification that you have requested membership to their lab in iLab. They will need to approve your membership.
7. Your training status needs to be updated. This is done on a rolling basis by Eric Olson (Eric_Olson@brown.edu) and Sandra Van Wagoner (sandra_van_wagoner@brown.edu). Alternatively, you can email Geoffrey_Williams@brown.edu or Robbert_Creton@brown.edu asking for an update of the training status in iLab, listing the microscopes that you have been trained on in the Bioimaging Facility.
When registration is completed (including step 6-7), you can schedule equipment using the iLab calendars.
1. Navigate to the core page: ILABS BIOIMAGING
2. In the upper-right-hand corner of the screen click ‘Sign In,’ and select to sign in using Brown University credentials
3. You will be directed to an authentication page where you will enter your Brown University credentials
4. Once you have entered your credentials, click the ‘Login’ button
5. Select the Schedule Equipment tab and click on the ‘View Schedule’ button next to the instrument of interest. Click and drag on the time frame you would like to schedule your reservation for.
6. A window will pop up that will allow you to verify your reservations details and provide payment information before saving the reservation.
When it is time to use the microscope
1. Open iLab and select 'Go to Kiosk'
2. Start end End microscope session (Start is needed to run the microscope)
Additional help
More detailed instructions can be found on the Help Site by clicking on the “HELP” link in the upper right hand corner. For any questions not addressed in the Help site, click on the “HELP” link in the upper right hand corner and submit a ticket, or email ilab-support@agilent.com.