Division of Biology and Medicine
BioMed Core Facilities

Thermo Scientific Ascend Tribrid Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer

Eliminate the guesswork from your purchase decision with the MultiOmics, BioPharma, and Structural Biology Editions of the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Ascend Tribrid Mass Spectrometer. Simplify your decisions and streamline your research with a tailored configuration for your unique application space.

Employ cutting edge native structural and biopharmaceutical analyses with multiple fragmentation and ion manipulation techniques. With the new Native MS option, detect protein complexes up to m/z 16,000 in the Orbitrap mass analyzer and isolate proteoforms up to m/z 8,000 with an isolation width as low as m/z 5 in the quadrupole.

Quantify more peptides, identify more proteins, confidently assign more labile-PTMs, and discover more previously undetectable protein complexes. Characterize proteoforms and modified compounds with more precision than ever before. 


Instructions for Requesting Services and Reserving Instruments
Please go to Brown University iLab
Login with your Brown credentials and select the Proteomics Core from the drop-down menu. Then click on “schedule equipment” or “request services” and follow the instructions for reservations and billing.