Division of Biology and Medicine
BioMed Core Facilities

BioMed Evaluation Services

Our evaluation director can assist with providing evaluation consultation, guidance, and oversight.


BioMed Evaluation Services

Many program announcements and funding opportunities stipulate an evaluation strategy with specific milestones and benchmarks are important elements to be included. Other research endeavors can also benefit from evaluation, especially if they are new programs or programs that have been in existence and may need targeted revision. Dr. Kimberly can assist with providing evaluation consultation, guidance, and oversight for any of these situations. More specifically, some of the services she can provide are:

  • Evaluation planning and design consultation
  • Evaluation plan development and implementation for grants
  • Evaluation tool formulation—questionnaires, focus group and individual interview scripts, assessments
  • Logic and conceptual models with effective goals and SMART objectives
  • Data collection, management, and analysis for quantitative and qualitative data
  • Results reports, both written and verbal


Judy Kimberly

Evaluation Director, BioMed Medical Affairs
Phone (401) 863-5171


Box G-A
Brown University
Providence, RI 02912-G, United States